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Check here before driving out to the range.

Cross Club Silhouette Match Jan 18 is postponed to Jan 25 due to being a muddy mess.

Match timing notes

Assume the range is closed one hour before the match starts for setup and registration. NRL and PRS closes the range at 7am.

  • Match end times are approximate. We cannot precisely say how long a match will last, especially if there's weather delaying the start. Please bear with us.
  • Thursday Matches:  Matches will start promptly at 6:00 pm, so please arrive by 5:30 for registration and info.
  • NRL22: 1st Saturday each month Set up 8-9am, sight in 9-10am, match starts at 10am. Cost: $10 members, $15 non-members.
  • Tuesday Night Bullseye matches: 1st and 3rd Tuesday
  • Monday Night Steel Matches: 2nd and 4th Monday Practiscore signup
  • Hoosier Hills Youth Marksmanship has the rifle range reserved Wednesday evenings 5pm-dusk. pistol bay is still open, rifle range is open for 22s if there is space.
  • Club Meetings are on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the range after the match (so the match can have better light).
    • Winter meetings are held at 6pm at the Bartholomew County Conservation Club building on the Bartholomew County Fairgrounds just off highway 11 and 200s.

Unless otherwise noted in the calendar event, the whole range is closed for events.

Practiscore for everything else (that uses it)

Match Descriptions

« January 2025 »
New year's Sniper Match
  • Wednesday, 12:00pm EST-2:00pm EST  
  • 40rds, centerfire rifle, prone, 100yds Range reserved from 12:00 – 2:00 Registration @ 1200, First shot @ 1300 Range is cold at noon. Snipers don't get sighters.
  • Outdoor range - Gnawbone IN
  • Event Category: Meeting, Game
  • Saturday, 8:00am EST-2:00pm EST  
  • Rimfire Rifle, 52 rds. 20-100 yards, all positions. Range reserved 8am-2pm
  • Event Category: Meeting, Game
Member Meeting
  • Thursday, 6:00pm EST  
  • Club Member Meeting. Nov-Feb are at the BCCC building in the fairgrounds. March-Oct are held at the range after the match.
  • Event Category: Meeting, Game
RE-SCHEDULED Cross-Club Silhouette Match
  • Saturday, 11:00am EST-3:00pm EST  
  • We are shooting a match based on NMLRA Silhouette and inviting the folks from SVGC to come out with us. Distances will be 50, 75, 100, 150. Caliber limits: pistol caliber carbines or straight wall lever guns shorter than 45-70. We want to keep it under 1500 fps. COF: for each of the four distances: 10 minutes total for unlimited sighters and 10 shots for score. Once you have declared you are shooting for score, no more sighters. We'll have a fire if it's cold. Lunch will be provided (burgers, hot dogs, sides. Please let us know if you have any dietary concerns) so please please sign up ahead of time on practiscore at
  • Event Category: Meeting, Game
Cross-Club Silhouette Match
  • Saturday, 11:00am EST-3:00pm EST  
  • We are shooting a match based on NMLRA Silhouette and inviting the folks from SVGC to come out with us. Distances will be 50, 75, 100, 150. Caliber limits: pistol caliber carbines or straight wall lever guns shorter than 45-70. We want to keep it under 1500 fps. COF: for each of the four distances: 10 minutes total for unlimited sighters and 10 shots for score. 50yd standing/offhand, other distances prone supported (bipod or crossed sticks, rear supported by shooter, no bags). Once you have declared you are shooting for score, no more sighters at that distance. Lunch will be provided (burgers, hot dogs, sides. Please let us know if you have any dietary concerns) so please please sign up ahead of time on practiscore at
  • Event Category: Meeting, Game

General info

Non-members are welcome at matches, meetings, and other events unless otherwise noted. Outside of those events, the HHRP range is for club members and their guests only.

All non-members must sign a waiver whether they are shooting or not. Waivers are available on site in the black plastic file box behind the notices board or here to print out and bring with.

Match fees are $5 for members, $10 for non-members unless otherwise specified.

Match Registration

We use Practiscore for many matches. You can sign up ahead of time for them  below:

Monday Night Steel
All other matches

Outdoor Range reminders:

  • Pistol calibers and .22lr ONLY in the pistol bay. NO centerfire rifle rounds.
  • Stay back from the steel! copper jackets, even lead backsplash can draw blood. 15 yards for pistols, 100 yards for centerfire rifles.
  • Pick up your own brass and if you are not taking it with you, place it in the brass-can next to the garbage cans.
  • If you bring your own targets and stands - take them home with you (This includes cleaning up leftovers like popped balloons, pumpkin chunks, other debris/leftovers)
  • If you utilize club stands - Red end down. No staples in the red end!
  • If you utilize club stands - put them away when you are finished
  • There is no trash service - please clean up your own trash. If you can take a bag with you AWESOME.

Winter Meetings

Our winter meetings are held at the Bartholomew County Conservation club building on the Bartholomew county Fairgrounds. The fairgrounds are just off highway 11 and county road 200 s. Doors open 5:15 we will aim to start the meetings about 6pm.