Check here before driving out to the range.
Cross Club Silhouette Match Jan 25 is postponed till the snow's melted.
Assume the range is closed one hour before the match starts for setup and registration. NRL and PRS closes the range at 7am.
Unless otherwise noted in the calendar event, the whole range is closed for events.
Practiscore for everything else (that uses it)
Non-members are welcome at matches, meetings, and other events unless otherwise noted. Outside of those events, the HHRP range is for club members and their guests only.
All non-members must sign a waiver whether they are shooting or not. Waivers are available on site in the black plastic file box behind the notices board or here to print out and bring with.
Match fees are $5 for members, $10 for non-members unless otherwise specified.
We use Practiscore for many matches. You can sign up ahead of time for them below:
Our winter meetings are held at the Bartholomew County Conservation club building on the Bartholomew county Fairgrounds. The fairgrounds are just off highway 11 and county road 200 s. Doors open 5:15 we will aim to start the meetings about 6pm.