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The HHRP range is for members use only! We do not have staff,  billing structure, or insurance coverage to allow range rentals. Members may bring a reasonable number of guests and are responsible for their guests' conduct and safety on the range.
In order to join, print off an application or pick one up at the range, fill it out, bring it to events so we can sign off on it, once you've met all the requirements, hand it in with payment at a meeting.
From time to time we do have third party training events (IE: a non-member trainer comes and gives a class on our range), if you are interested in arranging such an event, send us an email at

"I want to join but don't want to read the rest of the page"

Print out a membership application (Application and Range Rules). Fill out your information including your personal info, IN LTCH, and NRA membership number. Bring it with to 3 matches and a meeting and have an officer sign off that you participated. At the last one, bring your member dues (individual: $100, family: $150) plus a $25 joining fee, and signed copy of the range rules.

Do not send an application with or without money to the PO box before coming to events, you cannot become a member by just mailing in the app and payment.

Member access to the range

Once you are a member of the club, you will be granted access the range. We encourage coming to additional matches and meetings but there is no minimum requirement.

Individual and family membership renewals are due Dec 31 each year for the following year's membership. Memberships that are not renewed by April will have to re-join the club and pay the joining fee again. Youth memberships are due for renewal one year after joining.

Because renewal is the same time each year, Regular and Family members that join the club through the year will have the amount due at joining prorated by the following schedule:

  • January-April: Full Price
  • May-June: 75%
  • July-August: 50%
  • September-October: 25%
  • November-December will be members immediately and apply payment to the following year's dues.

(Does not discount the $25 joining fee)

Joining process

In order to join HHRP, prospective members must meet several requirements set forth in the bylaws:

-Be a member of the NRA. We are an NRA affiliated club and maintain 100% membership in the NRA. Love or hate the politics of certain branches of the NRA, they are a huge proponent of firearm safety and education and support ranges, youth programs, etc.

​Join the NRA or renew your membership here to benefit the club with no additional cost to you!

-Have an Indiana License to carry a firearm or equivalent permit from another state. This lets us see that you've passed a background check and are not a felon. If someone doesn't want to get the LTCH, we have a service to run a background check as well.

-We would greatly appreciate it if you could attend at least one meeting so you can say "hi" and turn in the application.

The prospective member must also satisfy one of the following routes to show safety and proficiency with firearms:

Participate in three matches. You don't have to win, just show that you can operate a firearm in a safe manner. This is our favorite route for new members to take as it allows us the most time to get to know you.

Participate in one match and take an approved firearms training class (in either order). Approved classes include but are not limited to

-Hunter's Education
-USCCA courses with live fire.
-NRA courses with live fire.

Have an NRA instructor certificate or shooter ranking.

Members may be of three types:


$100 per year

Regular (Individual Adult) membership is available for people over the age of 18. Members will get access to the range and discounted match rates. You must go through the requirements below to join.


$50 per year

Youth Membership is available to people under 18 years old for participation in youth programs. Youth members do not get a gate code for access to the range. Youth do not need a LTCH/background check or the safety/participation prerequisites but do need to be NRA members.

Family Membership

$150 per year

Family memberships cover the primary member, their spouse, and dependents living in the household under 21. The primary member has the same requirements (joining process) and entitlements (gate code, vote) as a regular membership. The main purpose of the family membership is for youth participating in their programs along with range access for an adult.

If you feel you cannot or should not satisfy these requirements to join, contact us. If you have a real issue like you work second shift and can't take a bunch of evenings off to come out and play, we'll happily work with you on it. If you're a super elite seal team ninja sniper that's been shooting bullseyes since before you were potty trained and coming out and shooting with us normies is just beneath you, we'll probably just tell you to come out and put us in our place.

HHRP does not discriminate against members based on skin color, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or anything else.

However, much like an FFL can decide not to sell a gun to anyone for any reason, HHRP reserves the right to deny membership to anyone for any reason. We've never had to so don't make us change that record!